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    Ikonei Island: An Earthlock Adventure

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    Things have gone awry on Ikonei Island. The shield that once kept the island hidden from the world has vanished. An overabundance of magical amri is corrupting the flora, turning plants into dangerous monsters. Pirates are capturing and trading wildlife for profit. Do you have what it takes to uncover the secrets of the island, and restore its natural balance?

    Dodatkowe informacje o grze lub produkcie

    Ocena ogólna 0 / 100
    Liczba ocen 0
    Tryby gry Single player, Multiplayer, Co-operative
    Perspektywa w grze Third person, Bird view / Isometric
    Klasyfikacja wiekowa ESRB: rating pending
    Kolekcja N/A
    Data premiery 2022

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