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    Risk of Rain

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    Description de l'article numérique

    Risk of Rain is an with. With as a primary feature, players will have to play their best to get as far as possible. Fight on a mysterious planet with, either alone or with 3 friends in. With over at your disposal, you will find the tools you need to find the teleporter back home. Discover a myriad of, from the desolate forest to the frozen tundra. The three main goals for our game are simple: 1. Design a game that is randomly generated every play-through, to keep replayability high and fresh. 2. Time = difficulty. The higher the in-game time gets, the harder the difficulty gets. Keeping a sense of urgency keeps the game exciting! 3. Be enjoyable, regardless of whether you win or lose. No more fussing with complex and non-intuitive gameplay patterns. Players should not blame the game for their loss! - - -..

    Informations supplémentaires à propos du jeu ou du produit

    Note moyenne 81 / 100
    Nombre de notes 131
    Modes de jeu Single player, Multiplayer, Co-operative
    Points de vue en jeu Side view
    Classifications d'âge PEGI: 7 & more, ESRB: 10 & more
    Collection risk-of-rain
    Date de sortie 2013

    Vidéos illustrant le jeu ou du produit

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